Sunday, February 7, 2016

ICTED Bed First Semester Course of Study

Fundamentals of Education :
Course Description
This course is designed to orient the students to theoretical and fundamental characteristics of education. It also deals with philosophical and sociological approaches to education. Similarly, it covers educational thought of prominent educationists including recent trends of educational development in Nepal. The course intends to develop an insight into the students in relation to bases of education focusing on interactive participation of both the students and teachers.

General English I: 
Course Description
This is a general English course designed to develop students’ proficiency in grammar, academic vocabulary, reading and writing. The grammar component includes elements ranging from tenses to transformation. Vocabulary component covers words from different academic fields. The reading component deals with a wide variety of carefully selected materials that include informative passages on contemporary and critical issues. The writing component includes materials required for effective communication on matters of general and academic interests.

Introduction to Information Technology
Course Description 
This course aims to provide the students with the foundation knowledge of contemporary Information Technology areas, software, applications and job skills required to enter the IT market. It covers a broad range of introduction of Information Technology concepts, operating system, and office automation tools such as word processor, spreadsheet, database and presentation. It also covers the telecommunication and computer network, internet, email, web and ethical issues in information technology.

Programming Concept with C
Course Description
The aim of the course is to impart knowledge of the basic concepts of procedural programming and to help the students build skills for solving problems using procedural programme. It provides the students with the basic features of the language such as data types, operators, control structure, array, functions, structure, pointer and file handling which are the common features of any programming languages. Students are more engaged in laboratory work to exaction of programing experiments rather than theoretical concept.

Fundamentals of Mathematics(minor)
Course Description
This is an integrated course of various branches of mathematics for beginner students at the undergraduate level. This course also provides mathematical foundation for the students who want to major other subjects from natural and social science areas. This course starts with the set & logic and develops through drawing of functions, solving equations & inequalities and reaches to complex number system to lay firm foundation of higher mathematics.

साधारण नेपाली 
१. पाठ्यांशको परिचय 
यस पाठ्यांशले नेपाली भाषामा विशिष्ट बोध, अभिव्यक्ति र रचना कौशलको विकास गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ । यस पाठ्यांशमा नेपाली भाषाको परिचय, यसका मानक कथ्य र लेख्य रूपको स्वरूप र प्रकार्य क्षेत्र, शब्दभण्डार, वाक्यतत्त्वपरक रचना, नेपाली वाङ्मयका विविध क्षेत्रका गद्यांशको पठनबोध, बुँदाटिपोट र संक्षेपीकरणको अभ्यास, व्यावहारिक लेखन तथा सूचना तथ्यको रूपान्तरका साथै निर्धारित साहित्यिक कृतिहरूको पठन, आस्वादन र अभिव्यक्ति क्षमताको विकास गर्ने पाठ्यवस्तु राखिएका छन् ।


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